Investment Casting Facility – Franklin Precision Castings featured in 2021 Business Review
Franklin Precision Castings shared with local Pennsylvania newspaper, The Derrick / The News Herald, changes made to our investment casting facility during the COVID pandemic to keep employees healthy & safe, the acquisition of jobs previously held overseas, a record number of facility and machinery investments, and how we have embraced and expanded our digital presence.

While deemed essential, Franklin Precision Castings’ investment casting facility remains open and operating throughout the pandemic providing a safe and clean working environment.
The virus highlighted risks associated with overseas supply chains and Franklin Precision Castings was able to work with customers to reshore their investment casting jobs.
Investments to our casting facility included:
- Replacement and first of its kind automation upgrade of its robot used in the dipping process of its investment cast parts.
- New shell knockoff machine for stainless steel investment castings
- Air compressor replacement in Shell Room
- Pre-heat Furnace and Furnace Power supply re-hose project
- New automated wax press
- New chiller stations were added to both wax rooms
- Laser SLA 3D printer
- New company van
The year 2020 brought its fair share of challenges; however, Franklin Precision Castings emerged in 2021 on the upside and continues to see a bright future ahead for its investment casting facility.